Welcome to our Year Of Discovery!

Welcome to the Walec Family Year Of Discovery! We, the Walecs (Willman-Malecs) have quit our jobs and school, and will be road-schooling in a van while we travel and learn across the USA, parts of Canada, and possibly into Mexico and Central America. We will be discovering different things with the Montessori philosophy and outside learning.

Enjoy this ‘Year of Discovery Movie Trailer‘ that I made up a few months in to our journey:)

Why would we do such a crazy thing like quit our good paying jobs and leave a great house along with a bunch of friends and a great school to go live in a 5×8 foot cramped-up van? Well, we were so busy with school and work, that we didn’t have time to ask the big questions and really learn what we wanted to learn.

The author of this blog will be Nico Willman, a 10-year-old awesome boy, but sometimes his Mom and Dad will write about their “Adult Stuff.” I really hope you will help, support and be with us on this incredible journey.

If you are interested in seeing where we will be heading next, or if you would like to make suggestions about places we should go or things we should read or do along the way, you can click here and visit a google sheet that we have set up to share/capture this information.  Thanks for visiting!

Me at my science fair…I’M SO SMART!


  1. Nico (and Oscar and parents), I am so excited for your adventure and to share vicariously in what you see along the way. I hope to see you again on your return, and wish you a terrific year!

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  2. I have bookmarked your blog, and look forward to hearing about your journey, and will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Much love and all blessings, Betsy Hague

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  3. Dear Nico, Oscar, Alys and Danny, My thoughts and prayers are with you as you embark on this great journey. I think of you as pioneers and explorers as God leads you (and us) to a new world. We need to learn how to survive and prosper without violence and exploitation and how to coexist with those who are not like us. My hope is that we all learn something about how to do this from what you will experience.

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  4. Yay hooray for the Willman Malec year of adventure! Looking forward to your posts and your visit. Such an enviable decision.
    Much love and happy trails!
    Aunt Cyn xoxoxoxoo xoxoxoxoo

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  5. Tell me where you go next,love to know.Awesome blog!!!!!!!! Miss you guys.Good luck.😢😃😇😥🗽🗻🗼🎶🎵🎾🏈🎻🎺🎹🎸🏆🎼👓

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  6. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to ride along. I am sure you didn’t realize that you would have so many of us squeezed vicariously into the van. That is actually a metaphor for how to expand and enrich our lives–by reaching out and inviting others to embrace life together. We look forward to reading your travelogue.


  7. Hey guys!! Now that we stopped for a bit so I could write my next book, I managed to read this awesome blog you put up for us all. It is great!! It is good to see Oscar and Nico are having a great time. We will soon follow in your steps: we are buying a car (big enough for us to sleep inside!) so we can drive around South America (we are most excited about going trekking in Patagonia!).
    Keep rocking!
    Luciano and Tatiane


      • Wow Nico! Que guay! ahora ya eres un pleno reportero, un cronista! Todos tus fans de LAMB esperamos con ganas las nuevas entregas de las aventuras de ” la familia Walec”. 🙂
        Muchos recuerdos y abrazos!


    • Los estaré siguiendo!! Sus pasos, dejan huellas de aventura, exploración, educación, familia, amor, y Dios sabe cuanto mas!!! Su historia es una historia digna de contar!!
      Que buen ejemplo…Un abrazo a mi Oscar!!

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